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Seville, Yarra Valley, Victoria, Australia

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Todays adventure is to Gairloch

So this morning we pickup our hire car and start the next adventure. They call it the Scotland 500. Guess it is called that because it is about 500 miles long so it would have been stupid to call it the Scotland 150.

First major stop is Applecross, a little fishing villiage, but it isn't about the destination but the journey. The last 15 miles is on a thin one way road over a mountain. Traffic is two ways to make it more interesting and most is those nuisance retires who struggle with power scooters thinking big campervans drive themselvers. Small passing places are ever 200 to 300 meters. To make it more interesting the middle 3 miles was driving through a low rain cloud. But still a great experience, although Carol would be happy to miss that bit.

We survived and travelled along the coast to Gairloch for our overnight stay. Nice little villiage but with a very cold wind. Still they make a great fish pie!

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